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Family & Relationship Therapy

Nandita Mittal

1,500 Indian rupees

Service Description

Most of us have an instinct to understand when things are going wrong. Sometimes it does appear as if a wall is between partners or family groups. Small reasons could cause such a rift that gradually increases with time. Bitter relationships should be rectified early. When an expression is hampered and even talking may end, it is time to seek a mediator. Family and Relationship counselling can set right a lot of personal problems. Achieving stronger relationships with willingness and commitment lies at the heart of most counselling sessions. An event that stresses the couple or family group may require analysis and solution. Decision making is no easy task that requires courage. Perhaps the counsellor could promote stronger relationships to facilitate that by neurolinguistic therapy techniques. In what ways have relationship differences affected family or married life, work duties, or professional goals? Where does the problem lie? Who is responsible for certain shortcomings? Be prepared to talk at length in the safety of trust. Since everything would remain confidential, there is nothing to worry about. It would be a good idea to write short notes of what you wish to tell the counsellor. Things that took place weeks, months, or years ago could be useful now to aid diagnosis. Don’t wait for emergencies and seek counselling when problems seem to be getting worse. Prevention is a better policy, don’t you think that?

Contact Details

  • Mumbai

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